From Unemployed to Aspire Award: Corey’s Success Story

Corey and guests pose with Corey's Aspire Award

Corey connected with the WorkSmart Network when he lost his job as a delivery driver after 9 years with the company. Having not applied for a job in almost a decade, Corey enrolled in WIOA programming for help with career exploration, resume development and interview preparation. Corey faced multiple barriers to employment including medical issues, […]

Meet Ted

Backyard garden landscape

Ted was released from incarceration in August of 2018. Upon release, Windows to Work helped him with additional supports, like transportation to search for jobs and obtaining work clothing. He immediately found a job making $12.45 per hour in a manufacturing plant, but it was 44 miles round-trip every day. Windows to Work helped Ted […]

Meet Jeremy

Close up of electrician's hand holding pliers near wires

Jeremy was released from incarceration in September of 2018. Before his release, Windows to Work was able to help him reinstate his driver’s license and provide him with new release clothes and work clothes. Jeremy is a certified industrial electrician moving to a rural area, so having a driver’s license is critical. In November, he […]

From Dislocation to Aspire Awardee: Andora’s Success Story

Andora working

Andora never thought she’d lose her job. As a single mom she needed to provide for her family. She knew that more education in a growing industry would help her and her family in the long-run. “I needed to get into some kind of carer. I’ve always lived paycheck to paycheck and I’ve got 3 […]

From Clerical to Accounting: Ian’s Success Story

Ian joined the WorkSmart Network to explore the educational opportunities available to him through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). He always excelled with numbers and was interested in learning more about accounting. So he enrolled in the Purchasing & Payables Academy. Before he completed the training, Ian’s employer, Boardman & Clark, LLP, offered […]

A Fast-Tracked Future

Person holding a pen and filling out a document at a table.

Dylan connected with the WorkSmart Network because he was having a difficult time finding a career. He enrolled in WIOA programming for help with career exploration, his resume, tips for his job search and supportive services. The Network also referred him to other local programs for more resources, like transportation needs. “I just knew [WorkSmart] […]

Career Exploration Helped WIOA Participant Connect to Unexpected Career

Sub Zero Wolf logo

Six months before he was dislocated, Ben connected with the WorkSmart Network through a Rapid Response information session. He explored the skills training and career services available to him through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and its dislocated worker program. Ben attended a series of workshops at his local American Job Center, including Everything […]

How A WorkSmart Network Participant Helped Create An Academy

Jones Dairy Farm's All Natural Turkey Sausage packaging

Not only did sue attend the first ever Computer Essentials Academy through the WorkSmart Network, but she was also one of the driving forces behind its creation. Sue was working in a factory when she became dislocated in 2016. She rarely worked with computers and did not feel prepared to reenter the workforce. She connected […]

Windows to Work Helps Participant Stay Out Of Prison

Set of barbershop tools.

Kendall had been in and out of prison for the last 10 years. Determined to do something different and stay out of prison this time, he enrolled in the Windows to Work program. Through the Department of Corrections-supported program, Kendall solidified his plans for success after release. He later enrolled in WIOA programming with the […]