Apprenticeships at Oak Park Place

Oak Park Place is proud to offer the Youth Apprenticeship Program with local schools and I, personally, have witnessed encouraging growth in our city’s youth as they advance towards their careers in healthcare. It has been an extremely rewarding experience to host this program on campus […] What helps make this program so effective is […]

Jacob’s Success Story

Construction worker on work site

I would like to thank the [WIOA Title I Program] for all of the information up-front regarding the trades and what is expected and needed to be a successful apprentice. I would also like to thank them for funding the training for me […] I was thankful for the opportunity.

Meet Micky

Micky at her desk at Glory Global Solutions

Dislocated Shopko worker transitions to new employment. Micky was one of nearly 2,500 individuals dislocated from the Wisconsin-based retailer, Shopko, in 2019. After learning of the looming dislocation, she attended a Rapid Response session to learn about the services available to her through the WIOA Title I Dislocated Worker Program. As a participant, Micky’s WIOA […]

Jennifer’s Dislocated Worker Success Story

Job seekers with laptops at table

I didn’t k now what I really wanted to do but decided it wasn’t going to be in retail. I felt like I was in uncharted territory since I hadn’t looked for a job in over 15 years […] I am very thankful to the resources [WorkSmart] provided me and the hand holding we sometimes […]

Viktoryia’s Success Story

Viktoryia celebrates new employment

It was an amazing experience, at this moment I have a resume, a job that I like and I go to college! A couple years ago, I could not dream of such a thing. But this program helped me believe in myself and future success, and fulfill my dreams. Now I am a successful student […]

Making Waves in Healthcare

Annette shares her story

I would like to say thank you WorkSmart for giving me this great opportunity. I basically couldn’t have done it without you. It’s helped me significantly. Every little help, emotional help, the financial help, has gotten me to where I am. Annette, WIOA Adult Program Participant

Sheila’s Success Story

Golden justice scales in a courtroom

I tell other people all of the services that are available [with the WorkSmart Network] and that there’s help here. This is definitely a service you should look into, get more information on, at least meet with someone because you’d be surprised. Sheila, WIOA Adult Program participant