Dislocated Shopko worker transitions to new employment.

Micky was one of nearly 2,500 individuals dislocated from the Wisconsin-based retailer, Shopko, in 2019. After learning of the looming dislocation, she attended a Rapid Response session to learn about the services available to her through the WIOA Title I Dislocated Worker Program.

As a participant, Micky’s WIOA Title I Career Planner helped her prepare for the transition with career exploration and skill mapping. During the process, Micky realized she wanted out of the retail industry, but felt that she didn’t have the right skill set to make a career pathway change.

“I worked in retail for almost 40 years and once I found out I wasn’t going to have a job, I though this is my sign. I needed to get out of retail.”

That was when Micky’s Career Planner contacted Glory Global Solutions. It was a local manufacturing business that could benefit from talent like Micky for its open Material Planner position. The position required some specific technical skills that Micky didn’t yet have. But Micky was willing to learn, if given the chance. Her Career Planner worked with the business to create a training plan for Micky through an on-the-job training (OJT) contract. Micky was hired as a permanent employee of the company, and the company was reimbursed for the costs to train Micky on those required technical skills for the position.

Micky continues her employment as a Material Planner with Glory Global Solutions and was recently encouraged by her supervisor to apply for an available leadership position within the company.