The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires each workforce development board (WDB) to develop and submit, in partnership with the local chief elected official, a comprehensive four-year plan to the State of Wisconsin. The Local Plan reflects the current and future strategies and efficiencies that the Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin will use to address the continuing modernization of the workforce system and creation of a customer-centered system: where the needs of business and workers drive workforce solutions; where One-Stop Career Centers provide excellent customer service to all jobseekers and businesses; and where the workforce system supports strong regional economies, as well as alignment with updated State and local priorities.

The local plan is available for viewing here.

Legal Notice – Public Review and Comment Notice

The Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin, Inc. (WDBSCW), grant recipient and administrative entity for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds allocated to Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Jefferson, Marquette and Sauk counties, will be submitting a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Local Plan for Program Year 2016 to the State of Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Division of Workforce Solutions on March 31, 2016 as required under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

30-Day Public Review Notification

A 30-day period of public comment is required. The draft plan can be found at the Workforce Development Board website, The Workforce Development Board welcomes comments. Please direct any comments to Erin Bechen at or mail comments to: 3513 Anderson Street, Suite 104, Madison, Wisconsin 53704.

The final Plan will be submitted to the State of Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development on March 31, 2016.