WorkSmart provides career connections to job seeker.

Nathan connected with the WorkSmart Network in October 2020 after a referral from a community agency. He recently moved to Wisconsin from Illinois after a reduction in hours at his job and was interested in assistance entering a new career.

He enrolled in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Dislocated Worker Program and began preparing for the transition to new work by updating his resume, creating a budget and practicing for interviews. His WIOA Career Planner also helped him meet with local companies hiring for positions that matched his skill set.

In December 2020, Nathan was hired as an Operator Packer at Teel Plastics.

“Nathan has been a great employee since his arrival five months ago,” said Kris Lehrman, a Teel Plastics Production Supervisor. “He has shown good initiative and has worked hard to achieve the necessary skills to become a successful Operator/Packer here at Teel.”

“If your heart’s in it and you really want a job and you want something in life, WorkSmart is the place to go,” said Nathan. “Without [my Career Planner’s] help, I wouldn’t be where I’m at right now and I’m very appreciative.”

Interested in working at Teel Plastics? Check out their career opportunities page for more information.