MADISON, September 28, 2018 – Today was declared Youth Apprenticeship (YA) Day in Wisconsin by Governor Scott Walker to support efforts to engage students in career pathways and programs to ensure a robust training pipeline for generations to come.

The Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin (WDBSCW) and its YA Consortium partners including Dane County School Consortium, Madison Metropolitan School District and Jefferson County School to Career, along with 13 local companies on its YA Council, have supported the YA programs since 2012, connecting 1,610 high school juniors and seniors with 952 local employers in 11 unique industry areas. The program has yielded remarkable success, with 85% of YA graduates employed after high school.

Pat Schramm, CEO for the WDBSCW cites company engagement as a vital component to continued program success. “All of this is made possible with support of the local employers that see the value in providing hands-on training to the future workforce. YA is a prime example of how workforce and education come together to ensure the talent pipeline is in place for our regional industries.”

By design, YA provides hands-on applied, real-world learning at company work sites; career pathway choices, and youth post-secondary options. YA also offers dual credit/technical college articulations and is endorsed by business and industry.

Eleven industry tracks are available, including Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources; Architecture and Construction; Art, A/V Technology and Communications; Finance; Health Sciences; Hospitality, Lodging and Tourism; Information Technology; Manufacturing; Marketing; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM); and Transportation, Distribution and Logistics.

YA Day takes place during Workforce Development Month, which highlights the talent development efforts to provide employers with a sustainable pipeline of workers to help grow the economy.

Students interested in becoming a Youth Apprentice can contact their local School to Career Coordinator or visit one of the Consortium partner websites at:; or

Companies interested in hosting a Youth Apprentice can contact Danica Nilsestuen, WDBSCW Director of Business Development, at or 608.249.9001.


About Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin

The Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin (WDBSCW) is a private 503(c)(3) nonprofit organization that collaborates with business and workforce in the Wisconsin counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Jefferson, Marquette and Sauk with a mission to build public and private partnerships that support innovation and excellence in workforce development.