Contact: Jackie Hall, 608.249.9001

WDBSCW Announces Chief Local Elected Officials and Officers for the South Central Consortium

The Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin is pleased to announce the leadership for its South Central Wisconsin Chief Elected Officials Consortium. Dodge County Board Chari, Russell Kottke, will continue the role as Chair for the Consortium. Dane County Executive Joe Parisi will step into the Vice Chair role. Other consortium members representing the counties in Workforce Development Area 10  include: Vern Gove of Columbia County, Jim Schroeder of Jefferson County, Bob Miller of Marquette County and Marty Krueger of Sauk County.

Under the new Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) federal legislation, the Chief Elected Officials, along with private sector-led workforce development boards hold the responsibility of developing a strategic, integrated plan that supports economic growth and labor force needs intended to grow the capacity and performance of the local workforce system.
