Participant leaves restaurant industry after 10 years.

Amanda poses wearing her Seats, Inc. shirt.Amanda thought she’d be stuck in the restaurant industry forever. She knew she had customer service skills but wasn’t sure she was qualified to transfer industries.

“Working long hours and weekends and having no benefits to show for it just really took a toll on myself and my family so I wanted to turn my job into a career.”

Amanda connected with the WorkSmart Network to learn about the services available to her through WIOA programming, including career exploration and tuition assistance.

She completed the Microsoft Office Suite Essentials Academy in 2018 where she gained skills to improve her candidacy for a new career. Amanda excelled in class and made sure to help others who were struggling or behind.

Less than one month after graduation, Amanda was hired by Seats, Inc. as a Customer Service Representative and was recently promoted to Sales Technician.

“Everybody [at WorkSmart] was just so helpful and they helped me just see my true potential and get the career that I really wanted […] If I can do it, you can do it so check out the WorkSmart Network!”

Amanda received the 2020 Aspire Award at the WDBSCW Annual Awards Celebration for her perseverance and success in her career.