Farmer obtains degree to transition to land surveyor.
Tim is a third generation farmer who had to look for work outside the farm. He connected with the WorkSmart Network in August 2018 to learn about the services and resources available to him through WIOA programming, including tuition and mileage assistance.
“I’m so glad I made the decision to go back to school. I really like what I’ve been doing and can see myself doing it for a long time.”
Tim commuted 1.5 hours each way to school while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. He earned an associate’s degree in Civil Engineering in May 2020 and was hired by a local land surveying company.
“The help [WorkSmart] offered takes a burden off an ‘old’ student like me financially, especially with my long commute […] I am very thankful for the entire situation and the fact that I already have a job lined up that is leading me down the exact path I wanted to go.”