Hire the right talent and save with the OJT Program.

So you’re ready to hire. We understand the process to bring on a new worker can be expensive and time consuming. But what if the costs could be offset?

The On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program is designed specifically to help laid off and unemployed workers experiencing prolonged unemployment transition back to work. For businesses, it’s an affordable way to train and invest in new workers and help expand your business.

For a nonprofit, the resources obtained from your agency [and the OJT Program] were instrumental in our filling this position with the highest quality candidate.

ABR Community Services, Inc.

How It Works

We’ll work with you to identify OJT-qualified candidates with specialized skills to meet your company’s needs. You decide who to hire. Next we’ll work with you to design a customized training plan for the new employee. The process is complete when you sign the OJT paperwork, which takes just minutes. We’ll provide you with a cash reimbursement (not a tax credit) to help offset the costs associated with skill upgrade training and loss of production for the new, permanent employee.


OJT is your opportunity to hire experienced workers at a reduced cost to your company. The program can:Minimize the cost of training
We’ll compensate your business for the costs associated with training (up to 320 hours) and loss of production for newly hired employees. Our participating employers save an average of $3,700 in training costs. Streamline your hiring process
Tell us your workforce needs and we’ll recruit and pre-screen OJT-eligible, experienced candidates at no cost. The hiring decision is yours. Spend less time on paperwork
The OJT agreement and enrollment process is fast and simple. With minimal paperwork, you and your new employee will be back to work in no time. Receive continuous support
We’ll stick by your side throughout every phase of the program and provide any assistance you need.

Often times good companies and good candidates have a hard time finding each other. The OJT Program has helped us put those links together. Plus the staff have always been professional and courteous.

Amcor Flexibles Madison

Start Today

Contact us to learn how your business can participate in the OJT Program.Contact Us


Employment positions must not have the effect of filling a vacancy created by an employer terminating a regular employee or otherwise reducing its workforce for the purpose of hiring an OJT candidate, nor can it result in the filling of a position where any other person is on a layoff or strike or engaged in a labor dispute for the same or substantially equivalent job within the same organizational unit.

Businesses must start the OJT agreement process prior to hiring a new employee to ensure reimbursement benefits.

The OJT Program is administered by the WDBSCW in partnership with the South Central Wisconsin Job Center System under a grant awarded by the State of Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development.