A worker completes training to help resume stand out.

Tonya was dislocated from Sub-Zero in May 2020. She attended a Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) session with our WIOA Title 3 partner, Wisconsin Job Service, where she learned about the resources available to help during her career transition.

She enrolled in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Dislocated Worker Program in August 2020 for services, including career exploration, employer connections and interview practice.

Tonya’s main reason for connecting with the WorkSmart Network was the training services. She was interested in Six Sigma training, which focuses on the development of management processes that help improve business activity results. She felt her resume and experience would be overlooked by employers without the certificate.

In July 2021, Tonya received her completion certificate. One month later, she accepted a position with the Wisconsin Housing & Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) as an Executive Assistant. Not only does she complete administrative duties, but she also helps the executive team understand the organization from an operational standpoint.

Tonya’s next career goal is to build additional skills in her position so she can perform better and support the company as it grows.

“I always tell people to look at all the resources that are available to you. Even if you think there isn’t something for you, there could be.”