Participant enters work experience at local nonprofit.

Mimi was struggling to find steady employment during the pandemic until she was referred to the Employment and Training Association (EATA) by a partner agency and learned about the COVID-19 Disaster Recovery Grant (DWG). When she connected with the program, her WIOA Career Planner suggested she also enroll in the WIOA Out-of-School Youth Program for additional support and services.

The COVID-19 Disaster Recovery DWG funds temporary work experiences at local nonprofits that are providing humanitarian services and focusing on recovery from the pandemic.

Mimi began her work experience in March 2021 at the Community Action Coalition of South Central Wisconsin (CACSCW) as a Warehouse Assistant. During the work experience, Mimi is building skills and confidence that will prepare her for a future career, while also earning an income to provide for her family.

“I feel she is an asset to any organization,” said the CACSCW Program Director of Food Security. “She consistently looks for projects to work on. She is willing to take on new projects and always with a smile. I wish we had funding to keep her on after her time [with the program].”

Mimi is set to complete her work experience in May 2021, but may have the option to extend it. Her WIOA Career Planner will help Mimi search for and obtain a job that can support her and her family.

“I would like to thank [my WIOA Career Planner] from the COVID-19 WEX Program for helping me land a great position at the [CACSCW],” said Mimi. “Not only have I had the opportunity to work with an amazing team of coworkers while developing new skills and experiences, I have also been able to support our community and help those who are less fortunate obtain the food and resources they need to help make ends meet.”