On-the-Job Learning
Reembolso por tu formación como aprendiz.
La subvención de Aprendizaje en el Trabajo (OJL) ofrece a los empleadores de Aprendizaje Registrado (RA) un reembolso por los costos de capacitación de un aprendiz.
Thank you for reaching out to our agency regarding the State Apprenticeship Expansion 2020 (SAE 2020) grant funding.
We appreciate your interest in the grant program, which aims to provide reimbursements for Supportive Services to apprentices to specifically assist with work attire, transportation, childcare, testing, and other services.
Regrettably, we must inform you that the SAE 2020 grant funds have been fully utilized, and there are no additional funds available at this time. Consequently, any submitted applications will not proceed to further processing.
In the event that additional grant funds become available in the future, the Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards (BAS) will ensure appropriate communication with apprentices and sponsors to inform them of such opportunities.
Should you have any further inquiries or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards via email at: Apprenticeship@dwd.wisconsin.gov.
WI Department of Workforce Development
Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards
Thank you for reaching out to our agency regarding the State Apprenticeship Expansion 2020 (SAE 2020) grant funding.
We appreciate your interest in the grant program, which aims to provide reimbursements to employer sponsors for On-the-Job Learning opportunities.
Regrettably, we must inform you that the SAE 2020 grant funds have been fully utilized, and there are no additional funds available at this time. Consequently, any submitted applications will not proceed to further processing.
In the event that additional grant funds become available in the future, the Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards (BAS) will ensure appropriate communication with apprentices and sponsors to inform them of such opportunities.
Should you have any further inquiries or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards via email at: Apprenticeship@dwd.wisconsin.gov.
WI Department of Workforce Development
Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards
Criterio de Elegibilidad
Un solicitante elegible para el reembolso de OJL debe ser un empleador activo de Wisconsin RA que contrató a un aprendiz a partir del 1 de julio de 2019 y se ajusta a una de las siguientes categorías:
Que contrató a un aprendiz registrado en los sectores de transporte y logística, servicios financieros, tecnología de la información, biotecnología, agricultura o salud; O
Está en cualquier industria y contrató a un graduado de un Programa Certificado de Pre-Aprendizaje como aprendiz registrado; O
Que contrató a un graduado/completador de un programa de aprendizaje para jóvenes de Wisconsin en cualquier sector industrial como aprendiz registrado.
*Si no encaja en estas categorías, contáctenos para ver si califica a través de una subvención diferente.
El proceso
Complete the OJL Application and email it to Jeff Kennedy (see email below).
We’ll follow up with you to verify and submit RA information necessary for processing and payment.
We’ll mail you the reimbursement check.
Employers must provide documentation of employment and hours worked during the apprentice’s 90 days of employment and provide documentation of the employer’s lowest journey worker’s wage for each apprenticeship occupation.