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Eligible Training Program List

The Eligible Training Program List (ETPL) is a list of training programs that WIOA program participants generally must use to select training that can be funded by WIOA. Additionally, TAA program participants are encouraged to use the ETPL when selecting TAA-funded training. The WIOA and TAA programs are available through Wisconsin's job centers.

WIOA and TAA program participants must get approval from their career planner to receive training funds. Participants will not be reimbursed if they start training before receiving career planner approval. There may be limitations on the amount of financial assistance available to individual participants and the types of training programs WIOA and TAA will support. Training institutions on the ETPL only receive WIOA or TAA funding if and when participants enroll in their training program(s).

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The Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. If you need this information in an alternative format or in a different language (free of charge), please contact us at 608-249-9001. Deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired callers may contact us through Wisconsin Relay Services at  7-1-1. Proud partner of the American Job Center Network.

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