An Innovative and Trusted Leader in Workforce Development

We empower individuals and industries with top-tier employment and training services and solutions. With a strong foundation in partnership and collaboration, we are dedicated to supporting the public workforce system in south-central Wisconsin.

Personalized Help 
from the WorkSmart Network

Our team of experts at the WorkSmart Network works hard to connect job seekers with employers, helping both success. Connect with us to get career advice, advance with skills training, find job opportunities, and more. We’re here to guide you.

Get Real Career Advice

Choose your career with confidence with personalized advice and knowledge from our Career Planners. 

Discover your interests, skills and strengths with our assessments and follow a tailored employment plan that fits you.

Work smarter, not harder. We’ll help you stand out in the competitive job market with application and resume help and our employer connections. Be more productive in your job search with our team in your corner.


We're helping laid off workers with more resources and options

We’re offering even support to help workers who’ve lost their jobs. With help from our Job Center partners, the re-employment options for workers from companies like Sheridan, Conagra and Energizer just got better.

Expertise in Business Services

If you need help with recruiting, retaining, or retraining your workforce, or navigating a layoff, we are here to assist you. Our experienced staff can connect you with the talent and resources necessary to meet your workforce needs. Trust us to support your business with tailored solutions for a stronger, more resilient workforce.



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(608) 249-9001

3513 Anderson Street, Suite 104, Madison, WI 53704